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Line Quality Drawing 

For my line quality drawing, I focused on the types of lines and the parts of light. On my objects, I tried to use a full range of values in order to show the dimensions. By adding the highlights I was able to show where the objects were the lightest and where the light was bouncing off. I used contrast between dark and light values on the flower on top of the bottle in order to avoid outlining and make it look more realistic. The string at the bottom was the most difficult for me, and it did not turn out how I expected. Although I used a variety of different lines, both dark to show closeness and light to show distance, I think that I should have paid more attention to the smaller details. I also think that I should have placed the string higher on my paper to show that it was actually sitting on the table and not just floating in space. Overall, I think that this drawing was more difficult for me than the last one, and it showed me what I can improve on. 

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